Grandstream telefony výpadky VYŘEŠENO

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Rozšířit náhled Přehled tématu: Grandstream telefony výpadky VYŘEŠENO

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky VYŘEŠENO

Příspěvek od stepos » 18 bře 2013 13:08

Souhlasím s Vaší analýzou situace. Mám ten 2124 a všechny zmíněné aplikace, ale startuje skoro 5 minut.
Na druhou stranu mě těší, že snad by měly tyhle informace z webu jít nastavovat pomocí těch xml šablon, čili pokud bych někdy v budoucnu potřeboval nutně mít na telefonu např. zprávy z tohoto fóra, tak by to mělo jít, ale tolik času zase nemám, abych si s tím hrál;)

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky VYŘEŠENO

Příspěvek od milan.benicek » 18 bře 2013 11:59

No ... i to se stává. Těší mě, že se toto fórum poměrně rychle shodlo na tom, že "pejsek je zakopanej" v DP710. Udání správného směru dost šetří čas.

Moje zkušenost je taková, že Grandstream poslední dobou dělá až příliš chytré telefony s aplikacemi pro burzu, počasí a bůh ví co ještě, ale nějak nemám dobrý pocit z celkové stability a spolehlivosti.

Aktuálně teď řešíme dodávku jednoduchých telefonů pro call centrum a protože už nejsou na trhu GXP280/285, tak tam musí přijít GXP1160. Jenže zatímco GXP280 byl telefon poměrně jednoduchý, určený hlavně k telefonování (jak překvapivé), startující během pár vteřin a velice stabilní, tak v GXP1160 je už nová řada firmware. Ten sice umí již zmíněné aplikace a k tomu možná telefonovat, ale startuje jak letadlo a některé modely s tímto novým firmware nás hodně potrápily co do spolehlivosti a nemocí dost podobných tomu co popisujete. Pevně věřím, že aktuální dodávka GXP1160 s poslední verzí firmware už tímto trpět nebude, protože jestli ano, tak u toho nechci být ...

No dost chmury, nějak to zvládneme.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od stepos » 13 bře 2013 17:09

To je fakt vtipné, nakonec jsme se dohodli, že mám odchytit přímou komunikaci bez asterisku při volání na direct IP.
Problém byl stejný, čili asteriskem to nebylo.

Komunikaci jsem odchytil pomocí switche a port mirroring, tak jsem si poslal komunikaci mezi telefony do wiresharku na svůj notebook.

Tři týdny to řešíme a nic, proto jsme se dnes dohodli na teamviewerove seanci. Zkoušeli různé nastavení a nakonec poradili tvrdý reset základny DP715, což pomohlo.
Škoda, že mě to nenapadlo a že mi to neporadil jako první věc už před třemi týdny;)

Nevím,čím to bylo, asi při aktualizaci fw se tam něco pošašilo...

Každopádně ten technik byl neskutečně ochotný a slušný, což bylo příjemná zkušenost.

Čili kdyby někdo měl podobný problém, podržet 12 s kancelářskou svorku v díře vzadu na základně;)

Děkuji všem za pomoc.

Štěpán Pospíšil

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od JardaX » 11 bře 2013 22:22

By mě teda zajímalo, co je to podle nich ta "media Function"? V dokumentaci asterisku nic takového není.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od milan.benicek » 08 bře 2013 20:38

nevím co s Grandstream supportem konkrétně řešíte? Odhaduji, že po Vás asi chtějí trace komunikace, ale zřejmě ne jen SIP, ale i RTP pakety. To by znamenalo udělat tcpdump / tshark trace na síťovém interface asterisku kudy taková komunikace protéká. Jenže pokud máte zapnuté directmedia=yes, tak RTP pakety hned po INVITE tečou přímo mezi telefony, takže je na asterisku už neodchytáte.

Abych se přiznal, úplně přesně nevím co support myslel formulací " Make sure the media gateway Function is completely disabled", ale odhaduji, že právě chce vidět jak SIP, tak RTP provoz. Pokud ano, tak bych naopak zakázal RE-INVITE:
Kód: Vybrat vše

Snad to pomůže.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od stepos » 06 bře 2013 11:43

Hezký den,
stále řeším problém s těmi výpadky, už komunikuji s technikem grandstreamu, ale chce po mě, abych deaktivoval media gateway v asterisku. Posílám mu tcpdump komunikace a on je stále nespokojený.

Nastavil jsem
v sip.conf u každého účtu a v sekci general.

Ale stále mu to nestačí, prosím, poraďte, co ještě.



The trace Isn't the correct one, The media Function is always activated, other issue is that i don't see any packets sent to the DP, Please Make sure the media gateway Function is completely disabled and run an other test as the very first one.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od telkofanda » 23 úno 2013 22:18

No já myslím, že to je problém v telefonu. Už podle toho, že má problémy s reinvite. Napsal bych na podporu Grandstreamu, reaguji docela rychle.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od stepos » 18 úno 2013 09:41

Děkuji za radu,
udělal jsem to, ale stále to je nic moc, možná jediné, co se změnilo, je, že ten hovor je slyšet už od začátku, předtím to bylo až pár sekund po začátku, nicméně ty výpadky jsou tam pořád.

V tom logu se objevují tyto chyby, nesouvisí to?
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,18,2)
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,10,2)
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@ VOIP : Value of Isw 20
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ VOIP (IPI3) ON #EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error range error
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-94
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,12,2)
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,18,2)
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ADPCM Instance 0
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ ADPCM SKP (SKP1) Off, (DSP modules active)#II# =>-94
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,10,2)
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>2051
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Node 0 nfs-2: 1:VoIP[0] 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 18 09:27:57 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 4

Bohužel se se mi nepodaří přihlásit do toho granstreamového fora, nepřijde mi aktivační mail.

Díky za Váš čas.


Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od milan.benicek » 15 úno 2013 20:14

Z toho co vidím v logu bych zkusil zakázat re-invite pro RTP stream. Mám totiž pocit, že to ten DECT Grandstream nějak nezvládá. Ve starších verzích Asterisku to byla položka
Kód: Vybrat vše
Vy máte ale "mladého" Asteriska, kde se tato funkcionalita jednak přejmenovala a navíc mírně rozšířila. Zkusil bych proto v sip.conf jak do sekce [general], tak do jednotlivých peers nastavit toto:
Kód: Vybrat vše

RTP streamy standardně na počátku hovoru tečou z jednoho telefonu, přes Asterisk do druhého telefonu. Asterisk tzv. stojí v hovorové audio cestě. Následně, pokud to oba telefony podporují a nebrání jim v tom síťová topologie, dojde k tzv. re-invite, kdy jsou oba telefony vyzvány, aby si audio data (RTP stream) začali posílat přímo mezi sebou. Pokud některý telefon toto nepodporuje nebo to neumí správně, může nastat jednostranná neslyšitelnost a hovor se může chovat podivně. Stejné potíže mohou nastat v případě NAT nebo když je jakkoliv blokovaná přímá komunikace mezi telefony (firewall atd.). Shora uvedeným nastavením pomocí directmedia zakážete re-invite, pomocí directrtpsetup nedovolíte, aby už v inicializaci hovoru byly přístroje vyzvány k přímé komunikaci peer-2-peer bez nutnosti re-invite a directmediadeny je už jen Access List, že opravdu nikdo nesmí komunikovat napřímo.

Zkuste a dejte vědět.

Re: Grandstream telefony výpadky

Příspěvek od stepos » 15 úno 2013 15:20

Díky za pomoc,
kodeky jsou u obou stejné a nic se nezmenilo. Nepojený to je do switche HP pro curve 1810g-24, voip má samostatnou vlan.
Když prohodím porty, je to stejné, nic se nezmění. Kabely jsem vymenil a taktez nic.

Firmaware nejnovější.

Syslog mi teda nic neříká, Vám ano?

Kód: Vybrat vše
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Call State Update Indication Received from Handset CallStatus 4 and CallType 2
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Call State Update Indication Received from Handset CallStatus 4 and CallType 2
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>6
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>6
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetResource(ADPCM,0xD202DECC)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startRTP, finished
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>6
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::processCallStarted, Connect EP 1 to node 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr_GetInstNum(6)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: chan_get_id ( ch_id = 0 )
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::processCallStarted on port 0:0, status = CALL_RINGING/CALL_IDLE, isCaller 0 canConf:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Handset number:1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :CallType:3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :CallDirection:2
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processEvent, CALL_STARTED, port 0:0, evtPort 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :SlotType:0 (Full Slot)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 229 (SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :CodecType:0x2 (G726)
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] rtp_get_channel: ch_id = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] Available Codecs: 000001cf, 000001cf
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :st_BFieldCtrl.u8_SpeechAppId:0 (SPEECH_G726)
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: SRTP Disabled
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :st_BFieldCtrl.u8_BFieldMode:0 (MODE_SPEECH)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, ReInvite w/ SDP holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetNodeId()
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, Peer has no RFC2833, has INFO 1, port 0, ch 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, DTMF method negotiated: IN_AUDIO
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_ConnectEPReq(6,0)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_ConnectEPReq(1,0)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetNodeEnableFlag(0,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetEPParam(1,9)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>3
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: chan_create success ( code: 00000050:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000002:00000000:00000002:00000000 )
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetEPParam(6,9)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,12,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_ist_kill_transaction: Kill IST transaction 351
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 233 (SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processEvent, SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE, port 0:0, evtPort 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,18,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::stopRTP on 0:0, status = CALL_COMMUNICATION
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopRTP on port 0, handset 1, channel 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopRTP, finished
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,10,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processMedia, changeSDP on port 0:0:5004,canSend=1,canRecv=1,t38=0,t38dir=0,SRTP=0,holdFlg=0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::setSDP on port 0:0, current sdp: 0x1543f8, new sdp: 0x154f10
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@ VOIP : Value of Isw 20
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::start on port 0:0, SRTP status NO_SRTP
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::start: no SRTP
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ VOIP (IPI3) ON #EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::startRTP on 0:0, status = CALL_COMMUNICATION
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startRTP, channel=0, socket=35, remote port=5004, ipaddr=
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,12,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_rcvreq: Received SIP request INVITE
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPDialog, set SDP media to remote, state=2 sdp=1 new sdp=0x159650
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPDialog, set SDP media, reinviteSDP set to 0x159650
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,18,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ADPCM Instance 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 229 (SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ ADPCM SKP (SKP1) Off, (DSP modules active)#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startRTP, finished
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,10,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>2051
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 1:VoIP[0] 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 4
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 48#011Dst: 24#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 49#011Dst: 25#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: chan_get_id ( ch_id = 0 )
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] rtp_get_channel: ch_id = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] Available Codecs: 000001cf, 000001cf
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Call State Update Indication Received from Handset CallStatus 5 and CallType 2
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: SRTP Disabled
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :CmpLineStatus Begin
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :CmpLineStatus End
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_mi42_BSInSt MI_MAC_PAGE_IND G_u8_mi40_PageInfo[3]21
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, ReInvite w/ SDP holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_mi42_BSInSt G_u8_mi40_Call: 80
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, Peer has no RFC2833, has INFO 1, port 0, ch 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :G_u8_mi40_PageInfo[3] 33
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, DTMF method negotiated: IN_AUDIO
eb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_mi42_IntExt G_u8_hl00_CallType: E009AA55
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :G_u8_mi40_PageInfo[3]: 21
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :G_u8_mi40_IntExtSymb: 11
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :u8_State: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :LCD: EXT2
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_ist_kill_transaction: Kill IST transaction 352
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :(p_mi42_DecodeMsg):G_u8_hl00_WIndexSPK=33, G_u8_hl00_RIndexSPK=31
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 GXP2124_PHONE: [00:00:00:00:00:00][] DSP_INFO: chan_create success ( code: 00000050:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000002:00000000:00000002:00000000 )
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Received in Speaker Phone: 3 bytes
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :e4 4b
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :End (p_mi42_DecodeMsg):G_u8_hl00_WInde  Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 23
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Current EP received 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Node 0 ep1 1: Return EP1 l=  1 And Passed EP 1  node id 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Return EP1 l=  6 And Passed EP 1  node id 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : CH: CH_GET_OTHER_EP: Other ep - 6, Nodeid 0 success
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 40
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 26
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr_GetInstNum(6)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :gs_tone_stop ( ch = 1, adpcm = 0 )
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 20
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Transmit --> Handset No : 1 Instance : 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :f
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :TX[0] HS 1 --> f
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :{CC-CONNECT-ACK}
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 20
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : CH_SMU_DLY FOR EP 6 and PARAM 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 34
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_START_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :voice_start_chan: Request to start an RTP session
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : $$$$ IN cordless the rtp start the Max 1000 and Min 120
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : #### List of Rx codec received from user space
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 8
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start:  capabilities[0x102042]
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start:ENC Tx Codec - coderTypeEnc[27] (AUC_G71B_ALAW_DTX==29, AUC_G71B_ALAW==27, AUC_G711_ALAW==15)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start: Dec Rx Codec - coderTypeEnc[27] (AUC_G71B_ALAW_DTX==29, AUC_G71B_ALAW==27, AUC_G711_ALAW==15)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :setting Speaker mode to arrowband
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_dr12_SetSPKMode NB mode called
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : RTPAPP capabilities 102042, EvtTx 101, EvTRX 101
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RDRD p_rtp_EvntInit pMember 3758761320, pMember->bPtEvt 65
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,10,2)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@ VOIP : Value of Isw 20
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ VOIP (IPI3) ON #EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RTPSTART: dec_chan=8, coderTypeDec = 27, status = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RTPSTART: enc_chan=9coderTypeEnc = 27, status = 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :pLineData->dwCapabilities = 1056834, pLineData->dec_chan = 8, jib_instance = 46d
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@@@ Value of pktsize 10 ms is 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : The MAX JIB value received from User space 1000
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : The MIN JIB value received from User space 120
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_DecStartCb: decoder chan 8 started for line 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_Start;Line 2068; STATE CHANGE: to 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_AUCCbTx: Encoder chan 9 started for line 0 and PktCnt 3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_SetSesionStatus: started decoder and encoder for line 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ##### AUC Channel started sending COMA REPLY #####
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 5
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_SetSesionStatus;Line 4027; STATE CHANGE: to 2
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 10
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_ConnectEPReq(1,0)
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-93
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_ConnectEPReq: error no disconnect
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 1:VoIP[0] 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 4
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 48#011Dst: 24#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 49#011Dst: 25#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : In FIQ CH p_dr32_ConnectEPReq with EP 1 and Node id 0 retval -93
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 11
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_STOP_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_Stop;Line 2823; STATE CHANGE: to 3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :return value of p_rtpapp_Stopis 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Posting FTRTP_ENCDEC_STOP event to FTRTP
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ENC/DEC stopped by DSP remove session and stop JB
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtp_session_jb_stop;Line 2896; STATE CHANGE: to 4
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ##### AUC Channel STOPPED sending COMA REPLY #####
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 7
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report starts ***
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015#011 Allocated Ptr : 0xe00a0138[8896] LR : 0xe0017f48
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report ends ***
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 9
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 20
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : CH_SMU_DLY FOR EP 6 and PARAM 0
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 34
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 1
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 3
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_START_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :voice ############ First RTP Packet received from remote so do rtp malloc
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : $$$$$$ Value of payload in this  ptArr[pRtpSession->pMember->bCd].bType 8
Feb 15 15:07:07 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ############ First RTP Packet state is not ST_RTP_MEMBER_VALID and  pMember->bPt =8 update from rev packet
Feb 15 15:07:10 GXP2124_STAT: [00:0B:82:3B:D6:AA]:[ 0.94 0.80 0.50 | 192147 183385 | 9344 | 0 0 0 0 | 9740 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 5884 | 0 0 0 ]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_rcvreq: Received SIP request INVITE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPDialog, set SDP media to remote, state=2 sdp=1 new sdp=0x151178
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPDialog, set SDP media, reinviteSDP set to 0x151178
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 229 (SIG_REMOTE_RECONNECT) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, ReInvite w/ SDP holdFlag[0][0] = 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, Peer has no RFC2833, has INFO 1, port 0, ch 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipCtrl::SigRemoteReconnect, DTMF method negotiated: IN_AUDIO
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 233 (SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processEvent, SIG_MEDIA_CHANGE, port 0:0, evtPort 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::stopRTP on 0:0, status = CALL_COMMUNICATION
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopRTP on port 0, handset 1, channel 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_STOP_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_Stop;Line 2823; STATE CHANGE: to 3
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :return value of p_rtpapp_Stopis 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Posting FTRTP_ENCDEC_STOP event to FTRTP
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ENC/DEC stopped by DSP remove session and stop JB
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtp_session_jb_stop;Line 2896; STATE CHANGE: to 4
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ##### AUC Channel STOPPED sending COMA REPLY #####
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 7
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report starts ***
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015#011 Allocated Ptr : 0xe00a0138[8896] LR : 0xe0017f48
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report ends ***
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 9
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopRTP, finished
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processMedia, changeSDP on port 0:0:5004,canSend=1,canRecv=1,t38=0,t38dir=0,SRTP=0,holdFlg=0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::setSDP on port 0:0, current sdp: 0x154f10, new sdp: 0x151178
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::start on port 0:0, SRTP status NO_SRTP
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP::start: no SRTP
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::startRTP on 0:0, status = CALL_COMMUNICATION
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startRTP, channel=0, socket=35, remote port=17682, ipaddr=
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 20
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : CH_SMU_DLY FOR EP 6 and PARAM 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 34
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 3
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_START_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :voice_start_chan: Request to start an RTP session
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : $$$$ IN cordless the rtp start the Max 1000 and Min 120
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : #### List of Rx codec received from user space
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 8
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_ist_kill_transaction: Kill IST transaction 353
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startRTP, finished
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Codec 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Dynamic String
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@ Encode string codec  2048
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::cb_rcvreq: Received SIP request BYE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start:  capabilities[0x102042]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start:ENC Tx Codec - coderTypeEnc[27] (AUC_G71B_ALAW_DTX==29, AUC_G71B_ALAW==27, AUC_G711_ALAW==15)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: SIG_REMOTE_DISCONNECT, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_Start: Dec Rx Codec - coderTypeEnc[27] (AUC_G71B_ALAW_DTX==29, AUC_G71B_ALAW==27, AUC_G711_ALAW==15)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :setting Speaker mode to arrowband
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 231 (SIG_REMOTE_DISCONNECT) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::processSigRemoteDisconnect on port 0:0, status = CALL_COMMUNICATION/CALL_IDLE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_dr12_SetSPKMode NB mode called
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::playTone ( port=0, toneId=20, handset=1 )
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : RTPAPP capabilities 102042, EvtTx 0, EvTRX 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RDRD p_rtp_EvntInit pMember 3758761320, pMember->bPtEvt 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,10,2)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: CALL_COMPLETED, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@ VOIP : Value of Isw 20
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 220 (CALL_COMPLETED) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ VOIP (IPI3) ON #EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SipSigControl::processCallCompleted on port 0:0, status = CALL_ENDING/CALL_IDLE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::processCallComplete, stop rtp on port 0, handset 1, channel 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RTPSTART: dec_chan=8, coderTypeDec = 27, status = 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::processCallComplete, release channel: 0 EP: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :RTPSTART: enc_chan=9coderTypeEnc = 27, status = 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:[] msgswitchd : #011 *** SS7  Message *** #012 #011#011 wInterface [AP_DECT] #011 wCmd [REL]4 #011 wsource [AP_PBX]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :pLineData->dwCapabilities = 1056834, pLineData->dec_chan = 8, jib_instance = 46d
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Event: PHONE_ON_HOOK, Port: 0, Ch: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:[] msgswitchd : #011 REL Recv#012 #011 SS7 REL u32_Instance 0x10010025#012 #011 SS7 REL u8_Reason 0#012 #011 SS7 REL u32_ExtReason 0#012
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:========================================
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@@@@ Value of pktsize 10 ms is 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:snd_message: Last good IP Addr:
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : The MAX JIB value received from User space 1000
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:SIPStack(0)::run: Active call dialogs: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : The MIN JIB value received from User space 120
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::startReleaseTimer on handset 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_DecStartCb: decoder chan 8 started for line 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::processCallCompleted on port 0:0, status = CALL_IDLE/CALL_IDLE canConf:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_Start;Line 2068; STATE CHANGE: to 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::run: Dispatching event 3 (PHONE_ON_HOOK) on port 0:0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_AUCCbTx: Encoder chan 9 started for line 0 and PktCnt 3
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::processPhoneOnHook on port 0:0, status = CALL_IDLE/CALL_IDLE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_rtpapp_SetSesionStatus: started decoder and encoder for line 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopTone ( port=0, handset=1 )
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:ATACtrl::stopRTP on 0:0, status = CALL_IDLE
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ##### AUC Channel started sending COMA REPLY #####
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopRTP, channel have been released on handset 1, ch 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 5
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:RTP stop on port 0:0 local rtp port:5004 sdp:0x151178
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_SetSesionStatus;Line 4027; STATE CHANGE: to 2
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 25
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr_GetInstNum(6)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :gs_tone_start ( ch = 1, adpcm = 0 )
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 20
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :FTRTP: RTP_STOP_CHAN
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Call::processMedia, Call stopped on port 0:0, inTransfer = 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Deleting Call object 29 port 0:0, callCount=0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:EventManager::unregisterEventListener: listener Call
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtpapp_Stop;Line 2823; STATE CHANGE: to 3
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :return value of p_rtpapp_Stopis 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : p_rtpapp_AUCCallback is getting called
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Posting FTRTP_ENCDEC_STOP event to FTRTP
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ENC/DEC stopped by DSP remove session and stop JB
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function p_rtp_session_jb_stop;Line 2896; STATE CHANGE: to 4
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ##### AUC Channel STOPPED sending COMA REPLY #####
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 7
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report starts ***
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015#011 Allocated Ptr : 0xe00a0138[8896] LR : 0xe0017f48
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : *** vmPrintDbgMemory report ends ***
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#015Function create_voice_message; Sending coma response 9
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 29
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_DisconnectEPReq(1)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,12,0)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,18,0)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(1,10,0)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :@@ VOIP : Value of Isw 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ VOIP (IPI3) Off #EE# in function p_dr32_VoIPSetParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 2
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 2
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 41
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :dectSS7_MssgEntry
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Received an REL message (instance=0x10010025)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Call Release Recvd from Network and CallLeg:e00afa30
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :p_dr12_GenerateInband: #II# p_dr32_GetResource(TOG,0x0)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>7
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetEPParam(7,6)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>2111
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_ConnectEPReq(7,0)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetEPParam(7,9)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>3
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,12,2)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,18,2)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,10,2)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogGetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 6:ADPCM[0] 7:TOG[0]
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 4
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 144#011Dst: 255#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 145#011Dst: 255#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :BUSY  Inside  uch_ProcessReq  with Cmd 26
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr_GetInstNum(6)
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :gs_tone_stop ( ch = 1, adpcm = 0 )
Feb 15 15:07:15 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : Sending Data from FIQ with SeqNum 0 NodeId 0 EP 0 Res 20
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:[] msgswitchd : #011 *** SS7  Message *** #012 #011#011 wInterface [AP_PBX] #011 wCmd [RLC]5 #011 wsource [AP_DECT]
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:[] msgswitchd : #011 RLC Recv#012 #011 SS7 RLC u32_Instance 0x10010025
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::stopReleaseTimer on handset 1
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] []:Dect::releaseTimerOut, handset 1
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Releasing the Call LineSessionID is 0 and CallLeg is e00afa30
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :######p_mi13_HostCallRelease:2574 Event:df####
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Sending an RLC message (instance=0x10010025)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : The Size of Struct SS7 is 48
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :Call Leg Reseted
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_GetEPParam(7,6)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>2111
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_DisconnectEPReq(7)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,12,0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,18,0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(7,10,0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogGetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_TogSetParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 2
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# connection matrix
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :     Node 0 nfs-2: 6:ADPCM[0]
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# ARC table size = 2
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 73#011Dst: 75#011Call: 0
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#011Src: 74#011Dst: 76#011Call: 1
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_FreeResource(7)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>0
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_ReleaseNodeId(0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_DisconnectEPReq(6)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,12,0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# =>-99
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error parameter type
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,18,0)
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : ADPCM Instance 0
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP : @@ ADPCM SKP (SKP1) On, (DSP modules inactive)#II# =>-94
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#EE# in function p_dr32_SetEPParam: error range error
Feb 15 15:07:20 DP715 [00: 0B:82:3E:24:72] [] DSP :#II# p_dr32_SetEPParam(6,10,0)

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